adjective / ambiguous name
[place on Earth] Which is located diametrically opposite to another.
adjective / common name
[person] Who lives in a point on the surface of the earth diametrically opposed to another.
Ancient as humanity itself, human migrations have been faced from many points of view, as the individuals who migrate and the conditions of each migration are of an infinite variety.
The action of migrating represents a change of such magnitude that it not only highlights, but also puts at risk, identity.
Through this project I investigate concepts related to the identity and territory of young migrants, demonstrating, through the body and landscape, how subjectivities are constituted from a sensitive understanding of what surrounds us.
The bodies are perceived as a kind of cartography where points of relationship are indicated and established between them and their surroundings, both the abandoned landscape and the one that currently inhabit.
Antipodes tries to approach a psychological portrait of a collective that grows and branches every day, under the immediate effects of migrating, which is an act that profoundly affects the individual, those around him and the common environment in a mutually decisive way.
Looking in the mirror to give oneself a broken image, a story, one's own, which breaks and fragments, in its own way a failed act with some failure every time; some self-portrait that could be anyone's; at a time from within and from the outside, between two realities; two selves who, at the beginning of the narrative,- announcement of unveiled intimacy-, at the same time affirm and refuse, turn the familiar into exotic and the exotic into familiar. What ever should have been inside, outside. And we, the spectators, inhabiting that narrative space of the intermediation, a little bit ours.
(Estrella de Diego, 2011).